Thursday, September 24, 2009

The first.

So i've finally gotten my butt down to doing up this blog.
AND a facebook page as well ( both still in the midst ._. )...

Yes i know ... a ton of other blogshops have a blog as well! so what's the difference right?
It's that... I'll be more personal.
I'll show a side of me you don't see just by buying stuff from Keelova/Kadanata.
I'll share snippets, pictures, some beauty tips (?) here and there, sites....
maybe even outfit photos :D
Let's just say, it's my little escape as well.
My little escape into this "fashion-girly" side of me i'd never put up on my personal blog.

Until it's fully done up to the way i want it, I'd just be blogging and keeping mum.
Will only be unveiling it when it's ready (:

Can't believe i procrastinated for close to a year before i actually DID something about this.
The idea's been running in my head a loooong time.
Just... Lazy. and baffled by stupid html issues.
I am such a tech idiot.
Pretty wordy for a first post. But yeaaaaaaaa....

And my mandatory "post with pictures" or "just a quote"
I love peppering my posts with pictures.
That's one piece out from the new collection which i'm struggling to finish due to insane commitments.
Hope all will go well.
Really love this one. More colour. More prints. More variety!

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